Defending Henry

31 Milk Street Lobby
P.O. Box 967233
TEL: 855-211-7733
On October 17th, 2010 a Pace University student, Danroy "DJ" Henry Jr. was shot and killed by Pleasantville police officer, Aaron Hess.
This year marks the 10 year anniversary of DJ's murder by Arron Hess. To honor his legacy, I am asking that you click on the tab, BE HEARD. From there, please visit the links to submit forms with your earnest pleas to seek justice for DJ's wrongful death.
It is not enough to just honor DJ's memory, instead we must take part in educating ourselves and others with his story. We need to seek justice for this young man; it has been far too long.
No student should have to suffer the same fate as DJ. The time is now. #JusticeForDJ #BlackLivesMatter
Please click to visit the DJ Henry Dream Fund